We’re Back!

January 11, 2016

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Argentus is back. If you checked our website last week, you might have noticed that we were down. You might have seen an unfortunate default WordPress page, or a temporary placeholder, or (if we’re unlucky), nothing at all. It would appear our website had been hacked, and we had to put in quite a bit of work to get things back up and running, but you might notice that the site is running faster than it was before – a happy byproduct of the optimization work we’ve done.

For our site to go down last week was an unfortunate bit of timing: our recruitment consultants are busier than ever as we head into 2016, working on a number of great new roles, contract and permanent, senior and entry-level, from industries as diverse as Consumer Goods, Manufacturing, Consulting, and others. It’s a great time to be a Supply Chain professional, as companies become more and more aware of Supply Chain’s strategic value. And it’s a great time to be a Supply Chain recruiter, with the field burgeoning as companies look to make positive changes in 2016. As far as companies hiring in the field, let’s talk.

2016 is going to be a big year for us at Argentus. We’ve had some time to relax and reflect over the holidays (as we hope you have as well), and we’re coming out of the gates with more force and enthusiasm than ever, ready to connect the top companies with the brightest lights in the field.

Content-wise, you can also expect big things from us in this New Year.  Expect tons more great blog posts on a wide variety of topics including market intelligence, interviews with Supply Chain luminaries, career tips, personal branding advice., and more. Expect more timely email campaigns, great quote images, infographics, and all kinds of rich media to help educate and inform you and your network about talent issues in the field.

It’s an exciting time, and we’re back — not just from our website outage, but from the holidays – and ready to roll. Please reach out to us for any recruitment needs, if you’re a Supply Chain professional looking to make a career move, or if you’re in the field and just want to chat! favicon


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