Supply Chain Makes the World Turn, and SCM Talent is the Key to an Even Brighter Future

July 16, 2015

scm complexity

“Supply chain is the discipline of plan-source-make-deliver… those who learn to live by their wits will thrive. The third great revolution is happening now, with the birth of an information age that’s creating millions of jobs and gigantic wealth.” — Kevin O’Marah, “Supply Chain Saves the World


We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: supply chains are not only integral to business sustainability, they are the backbones of the global economy as well. Building better strategic plans and creating resilient supply chains that are agile, nimble, and productive is something the industry at large, across sectors, is invested in. Executives are consistently thinking about new ways to handle process improvement and change management, but are they also spending the same amount of time and energy on their #1 key to success – their teams?

Supply chain talent is at the heart of supply chain success, right now and in the future. The blueprint for moving forward must always begin with the right people to do the job, and all recent studies point to the fact that a perfect storm is on the horizon.

So what does that mean for hiring managers? It’s going to be a challenge, but also an incredible opportunity. The balancing acts requires a commitment to addressing the following four supply chain talent trends:

Demand is high for new professionals in the supply chain talent pipeline. This demand has been on the rise across industries and supply chain roles, and jobs in supply chain and logistics are expected to grow almost 30% before 2020, adding over 350,000 jobs to the Canadian market. CSCMP and the Institute for Supply Management (ISM) have also indicated steady and strong climbs in hiring. It’s an exciting time to be a candidate and a client.

There’s a talent gap. The shortfall between demand and availability of supply chain management professionals is getting wider as the market for new roles grows and Baby Boomers retire at a growing rate. With this demographic shift, talent shortages are particularly acute with mid- to senior-level positions and there’s a real hunger to attract the best and brightest. As a specialized supply chain search firm with a deep industry network, Argentus can help you and your organization bridge the talent gap with expertise and efficiency.

The skills to excel in supply chain are constantly evolving. The industry transition from transactional and siloed to strategic and integrated, with a heavy need for high-tech innovations and big data, has been a notable game changer. Faster learning cycles, a higher demand for niche education and credentials, more emphasis on both communication skills and analytical skills, as well as an intellectual capacity to navigate complex systems, all claim spots at the top of the list. Supply chain management is leading the way in the knowledge-based global enterprises, and as a result the profession’s dynamics are evolving – something that also understandably informs the hunt for highly-skilled and adaptable professionals.

Investing in talent attraction, engagement, and retention now will pay off later. Leadership development and professional skills building are paramount to your supply chain’s future. When you invest your staff, you’re investing in your company: this can be done with educational training programs, certification, consulting opportunities, and mentorship to create a culture of upwards career mobility as well as supply chain best practices for the booming industry. And when supply chain executives make these strides to foster the development of next generation talent, everybody wins.logo_icon


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