Patricia Moser SCM executive speaks out

January 22, 2014


I was so impressed by something I read on my feed yesterday I wanted to be sure I got it out to everyone in Argentus’ network. This is a REALLY GREAT BLOG and the subject of how clients treat prospective hires in the interview process is something very close to our hearts here at Argentus. There are some appalling examples of ill-preparedness on the part of interviewers in how they represent themselves and their companies when they interview in the Supply Chain space. That sends really bad press into the marketplace about what kind of organisations are like to work for. This article was BANG ON which is why I am so excited to read it and pass it along.

It’s written by an extremely well respected executive in Supply Chain, Patricia Moser. Many in the Supply Chain space at the senior levels will surely know her for a highly regarded executive and consultant so when Patricia speaks, I know , I surely make a point of stopping and reading. I think Patricia is an amazing example of a woman who has reached the top of her field and she is someone I personally respect and think is terrific.

The article “WHAT ABOUT THE INTERVIEWER?” from her blog The Sourcerer’s Apprentice is super and speaks right into what we do here at Argentus.

In her introduction, she says..”I find this lack of focus on the interviewer interesting because isn’t the hiring company trying to “sell” their company to the best candidate?” She points out that INTERVIEWERS have equal responsibility to do the right thing and present the right face to those candidates they interview. And you know, she’s so right. Thank you Patricia for a great read.

Here is the complete article it’s really worth taking the time to read it and pass it along to others. Also check out her other posts

Over and out for now



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