How to Nail the Interview: Series Introduction (1 of 9)

October 29, 2013

Introducing Argentus’ new Supply Chain Management Interview Preparedness series – 1 of 9

The job interview. In the rapidly-changing world of careers, personal branding, and job searching, this is one aspect of the hunt that will never go away. It’s like a first date. It’s awkward, and potentially life-changing. And the interview can come in many different forms.

A bad hire can cost a company thousands of dollars in training costs, payroll, and possible severance pay. This doesn’t even factor in the costs of possible mistakes that an under-qualified hire might make, and of course the opportunity cost of the lost productivity. Candidate screening and interviews are obviously crucial, so hiring managers and Talent Acquisition Specialists are experimenting with different interview techniques to get a better read on how a candidate will perform on the job and whether they’ll be a good fit in their workplace culture.

So starting this week, we’re presenting Argentus’ new series about how Supply Chain and Strategic Sourcing Professionals can succeed in every kind of interview format.
There are always the handful of basic interview tips that everyone needs to know:
• Dress up. If the office environment is business casual, wear a suit.
• Make eye contact during the interview.
• Have a firm handshake.
• Ask questions at the end of the interview to indicate your interest in the position.

Everyone has heard these a million times. Our goal isn’t to focus on the generalities, but to assist our network, we have drilled down into those different interview scenarios.that happen today, and in any given job search one might encounter several: The phone interview, the peer interview,  the panel interview, behavioural interviews, the CEO “Rubber Stamp” interviews (which aren’t actually! You will find out) are some examples. It is our intention to cover each type of interview throughout the series from the prospective of a professional Recruiter that works with companies all the time. We hope to help you learn how to navigate through some of the newer interview situations you might find yourself in and handle possible pitfalls, and how to capitalize on unique opportunities certain formats present.

Check in with us tomorrow

Over and out



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