High level Strategic Professionals and Executives in Purchasing, Planning, Logistics – in overall Supply Chain are Giving Companies a Better Alternative to pricey Management Consultants

July 23, 2013

Contingent Managers & Executives are equally well qualified, are onsite and part of your inside team and a much more cost efficient solution. 

Thank you to my Contingent group for giving us the latest snapshot of what’s been happening in the Strategic Sourcing/Procurement/Supply Chain Hiring front on the Contract/Contingent side of our business practice specifically in the Canadian marketplace. Continuing to surpass the number for 2012, 2013 has seen more interest from companies with a real keen interest in how effective Contingent Staffing can be in Supply Chain Management. It’s something that has got executives really sitting up and taking notice.  As with IT and Engineering 20 some years ago, they are considering how a nimble workforce can be applied in Supply Management and Strategic Sourcing most effectively and are becoming very receptive to leadership Executives on an interim basis for their implementation, project based, compliance and alignment/compliance issues.

Contingent roles most recently have really become very meaty, increased in seniority and have been focused on extremely high level Procurement Strategy and NOT solely geared towards sourcing sole contributor roles as they have in the past year or two. Needs for Analysts and sole contributors will always remain important in contract but the envelope is being pushed by employers to find talent to really take charge of business improvement in Supply Chain and tackle strategic challenges associated with Offshoring and such.

Interim roles are starting to open up for expertise in managing high level consulting vendors as well as Procurement Risk Process (PR), System Implementation, Strategic Sourcing Program Management Strategies, Procurement Change Management, Risk Governance, Procurement Corporate Responsibilities and more. And certainly not to forget that Contractors in Supply Chain Management are very attractive and a cost effective alternative for start-up organisations to help them build the process and backbone so desperately needed.

So to bring this level expertise to the table, we at Argentus are working our connections, networks and forging relationships with higher level senior individuals very keen to strike out on their own and to engage with our clients to assess, build, develop strategies and leave organizations with sound Procurement & Strategic Sourcing plans, practices and/or department.

These are exciting times for us and for our companies. We welcome the opportunity to discuss our range of services in Contingent Staffing and how our expertise can leverage well off companies’ business pressures and increasing need for global competitiveness.


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