Advice for Millennials on the Supply Chain Career Track

April 9, 2015

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Earlier in 2015, ThomasNet and the Institute for Supply Management released their picks for the Top 30 Under 30 Rising Supply Chain Stars. In this list, they spotlight successful young professionals rising in the industry, making big strides and notable contributions.

Profiles often include interviews that offer advice on entering the supply chain field, with commentary about what has shaped their early success, key educational and training development opportunities worth recommending, and the rich rewards that await bright Millennials who will consider a strategic future on the supply chain career track.

In a recent Supply & Demand Chain Executive feature, Nicholas Ammaturo spoke as a representation of one of ThomasNet list’s Top 30 Under 30 members. He is the Director of Procurement & Profit Improvement for Hudson’s Bay Company. Our favorite pieces of advice and insights from Nick:

nick ammaturo

  • Keep an eye out and your options open. Not everyone thinks of supply chain first, but it’s an integral component of almost every business across the globe.
  • Get involved with professional associations. Meet senior management, volunteer for conferences and projects that will give you a foot in the door. Relationships are crucial for supply chain.
  • There’s a strong need for more educational programs in supply chain at the post-secondary level, and ripe opportunities to partner with industry to offer hands-on skills development via paid internships.
  • Supply chain roles offer access and exposure to all parts of a company. Rotations through functional areas like procurement, sales, logistics, and operations will help you identify interests and best fit.
  • HR can miss out on top talent by making inaccurate generational assumptions or buying into stereotypes—detrimental to the supply chain talent pipeline and the underestimated Millennials in question. Evaluate people on a case-by-case basis!
  • There’s a lot of career movement among young professionals, but that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Consider thinking about roles in terms of project, tenure, and “tours of duty” that benefit both parties.
  • Don’t let age or experience deter you from real “star power.” When you find raw passion, drive, work ethic, and aptitude in people, harness it! Those things are much more difficult to instill or train with new hires.


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